Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Reinventing Benji-San

It has been quite some time since I last entered the blogosphere.  Much has changed since my first ramblings after I arrived in the DC metropolitan area...changed jobs twice, moved three times and am finally getting my bearings and making this place my home.  Although I'm busier than ever with work and now grad school, I've decided to re-enter the blogging world to restart my rants and observations of the news and overall human condition and use this as my digital diary of sorts.  Keep friends and family up to date on the happenings in what can be a pretty chaotic but thoroughly enjoyable day to day existence.

I re-read some of my posts from my old blog and realized that I spent a large portion of my time angry at the news and espousing my view of the world from some sort of ivory tower - which is pretty easy when ranting "anonymously".  The goal for this new iteration is to be less angry and to inject more humor into things.  Now, don't get me wrong - I'll still rant frequently and my use of expletives will not doubt remain plentiful - but I hope to bring a more mature worldview to my blog posts and broaden my topic areas.  I'll still rant about what I find wrong with politics and news in general but I'll also look for news to share that has a human interest.  I hope to make observations that aren't quite so judgmental and be more objective.  We'll see how that goes.

Bear with me as I try to find my voice again.  It's been a while but I hope that this new blog will still entertain and make you think.  Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come back often to visit and comment freely.

Without further ado - let's get this party started.

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