Saturday, May 14, 2011

News you can use…or lose, whichever

Since its raining outside and I don’t want to go run right now, I share with you a sampling of world events critical for intelligent conversations at your cocktail parties this evening.

Page 6 of New York Post does it again…Osama bin wanking!

Not sure which is worse – Osama bin Wankin’ or “Whora Bora” or the photoshopped porn on his tiny TV.

Pippa Middelton got drunk a few years ago…

More pictures are coming out of Pippa downing the devil’s juice and running around without all of her clothes on.  A couple weeks ago, the “world” was abuzz with these photos of Pippa in her bra dancing with some dude.  According to the British gentleman on MSNBC this morning, more pics are coming and the Royals are just flummoxed.  But it’s not like she’s pulling a Britney or a Lindsay, she was 23 got a little drunk and danced without her top on (but with a bra).  Who hasn’t done that?  And how the hell was she supposed to know 4 years ago that her sister was going to marry a prince?  If the Brits can get behind Benny Hill, I think they can handle some scantily clad Pippa…I know the rest of the world can (and might even be looking forward to it)…

In a new twist on “an eye for an eye”

An Iranian woman who was scheduled to pour acid in her attacker’s eyes has to wait a little longer. 

Amenah Bahrami was attacked by Majid Movahedi after she refused to marry him.  He was so insulted that the threw a jar of acid in her face when she returned home from work in 2004 leaving her looking like this:

Ameneh Bahrami holds a photo showing herself before she was blinded with acid by Majid Movahedi.

Photo above courtesy of the Guardian

She asked for and won the right to seek revenge by truly achieving an eye for an eye justice.  Movahedi was to be put under and Bahrami was then to use presumably an eye dropper to drop 4 drops of acid in each eye.  Iranian officials have endorsed the ruling as they seek to stem the tide of increasing acid attacks in the country. 

There’s a whole lot of shit that’s wrong with this picture.  First, Movahedi is a chickenshit asshole and deserves to rot in prison but I’m not sure I can support burning his eyeballs with acid – even IF you make it slightly more humane by putting him under for the “procedure”.  Second, how the fuck does an “acid attack” become the growing trend in assaults?  How readily available is acid that burns your fucking face off?  Admittedly, I've not looked into it here in the US but I can’t believe they’re doing a whole lot of different shit where they are packing thermoses of acid do their day jobs in Iran. 

The premeditation for such an attack would seem to be fairly extensive.  I mean, no matter how pissed you are at the person who’s face you’re going to melt off, you’re going to want to take serious precautions to make sure you don’t melt any of your hand or arm off when you toss that toxic shit into their face.  Plus, you have to put it in the bottle or jar or spritzer or whatever it is that you are using as your carrying device.  That’s a lot of planning.

I suppose it isn’t that much different from getting pissed at somebody, going to the pawn shop, buying a hand gun, waiting 14 days, then going over and shooting them.  But there’s finality in that act.  Not right by any means but you’re intent is to kill someone.  Throwing a jar of acid in someone’s face – your are inflicting incredible pain, causing extreme disfigurement, in many cases I would assume blinding them, but you aren’t killing them.  You are fucking them over so completely but then allowing them to live out the rest of their life with the constant reminder of your sick and twisted revenge.

That is really, really, fucked up.  If I piss anyone off to the point they want to do severe harm, just shoot me, please. 

You can read more about this here, and here.

And today’s “Sign of the Apocalypse”

Disney has trademarked "Seal Team 6".  That’s right, the mouse owns the rights to all toys, clothes, movies, books, and any other money making product they can think of.  And they filed the papers 2 days after Osama’s death. 

Regardless how you feel about the American reaction to Osama’s assassination, I think we can all agree that trademarking the assassination team for use in product development is a little much.  I will not argue their heroism, patriotism or their importance to helping keep America safe from future terrorist attacks.  But something simply does not sit right with this. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

My recent epiphany

This story couldn’t have run at a better time.  I had been telling myself that I’d get back to writing the blog as soon as school got out and I was thinking about what my first topic would be…politics? Religion? DC Tourists? A rant about my immune system and how it fails to appropriately deal with common environmental irritants?  All reasonable topics.  Instead  I happen across the Huffington Posts who picked up a story from that lists Lawrence’s own Bourgeois Pig as the #5 best college coffee shop in America.  And that sealed it.
Now, I love my hometown.  I love the old time charm of Mass Street.  I love the fanaticism for KU.  I like the diversity in Lawrence.  I like the general acceptance of all people, regardless of race, gender, orientation and the like.  I like that it is an island of blue in a sea of red. 
When I read that the Pig was recognized as one of the best college coffee shops in America, I had a visceral reaction.  I was astounded that the place that I’ve always avoided would have been recognized in such a way.  I always felt like an outsider there – it was the artsy folks who didn’t take kindly to outsiders ruining their little haunt.  I always felt a bit of contempt from the people there that I would dare set foot in their eclectic little haven.  Fine, I get it.  You want to keep your place as it is and you don’t need anybody upsetting the balance.   So, I developed a general dislike for that place.  Then it got rated.  And it got me to thinking.  I don’t hate the Bourgeois Pig, I hate all coffee shops.  I mean, I fucking hate coffee shops.
Not to be cliché or to cover my caffeinist ways, but some of my closest friends go to coffee shops.  I don’t know what they do there, but I know they go.  As a rule, I generally enjoy coffee.  And I like free wi-fi when I need it.  But I fucking hate coffee shops.
Maybe the people who sit in coffee shops all day really are smarter than the rest of us, but I don’t think so.  Maybe the hipsters sitting in the corner reading the latest independent newspaper really is cooler than everyone else, but I doubt it.  I don’t understand how you can be that cool and that smart and not have anywhere better to be for hours during the day.
I understand using the coffee shop to do homework.  Caffeine is a great fuel for procrastinating by surfing the web on your laptop.  I get that business meetings can happen over coffee because their ubiquitous and since the beverage you just purchased can give you third degree burns you have to wait a while to enjoy which forces you to talk.  Same goes for first or blind dates.  So, the coffee shop is not without merit but do they all have to seem so pretentious?
Part of my confusion stems from the pride people take in their local coffee shop.  They are devoted patrons who will defend the merits of their barista (whatever the fuck that means) and the quality of their beans.  It’s coffee.  Yes, shitty coffee tastes shitty and quality coffee tastes pretty good but just about every coffee shop has “quality” coffee so what’s the draw?  The vibe?  A bunch of introverts working on their screenplay or filling out their profile?  That’s not a vibe, that’s depressing.
I’ll grant you, a coffee shop in the winter time is a double bonus – you get in out of the cold to a warm space and they give you piping hot fluids.  If you want to hang out inside a coffee shop to warm your bones in the winter – by all means.  But outside of that, why would you stay inside a coffee shop to sip your coffee and judge the other customers?  It’s not like you’re getting a meal.  And a scone does not count as a meal.  It’s a fucking snack.  Where else do you walk in order a drink, no food, and sit down and it’s normal? A real bar.
People can’t walk into a bar and get a cocktail and leave so they are forced to sit down.  Also, most people like to have more than one so unless you’re walking from bar to bar it’s more convenient to sit in one place and keep ordering.  Plus, real bars have TVs.  And most will serve you real food.  I like real bars.  I fucking hate coffee shops.
The Pig, the catalyst for my self-realization that I’m a coffee shop hater, serves both booze and coffee so you have an interesting mix of too cool for school coffee drinkers and their alcoholic friends.  Admittedly, I don’t remember if I ever went there for booze, but I do remember walking by the back deck when all the hipsters were outside smoking and they were the same jackasses who saw swingers too many times and thought they personally could bring back the 50s.  So I’m pretty sure I would not have enjoyed my Jack Daniels in their company.
I understand the need for coffee shops.  You have to have someplace to complete the transaction between caffeine fiend and their supplier.  I also understand the need to have some tables and chairs to allow people to rest briefly and nibble on their scone or aptly named coffee cake.  But the sub-culture of coffee shops is what I don’t understand.  Maybe it’s because I was never introduced to the world of hipster coffee drinkers who are bound and determined to change the world one cappuccino at a time.  Maybe I just generally dislike hipsters and always have.  Whatever the reason, I fucking hate coffee shops.

Hiatus Ended!

The school year has closed and now I have time to write about important stuff – the random thoughts and rants that fill my mind.  My only creative release recently was my mildly popular Holiday Newsletter and then all creative juices were sucked dry for 4 more months as I waded through my graduate studies.  Well, only a few days removed from surviving that I’m back at the keyboard prepared to ramble on without fear of citations, accuracy, grammar, graphs, coherent arguments and anything else that requires more than a split second of thought.  So, instead of writing, reading, rewriting, pausing for the perfect word choice, using google to find the right word, idea, phrase, concept, theory, object, preposition, onomatopoeia, conjunction, etc.  I’ll just go with it.
Hope what follows is enjoyable to you, if so, come back.  If not, meh.