This is a placeholder for the rage I plan to let loose on Those fucking commercials are really starting to piss me off.
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Random thoughts, musings, rants, and an occasional picture from a thirty-something in our nation's capital. I write, you read, everybody wins.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The New Gender Inequality in the Workplace
Great strides have been made to reach equality in the workplace. In 1963, women earned 59% of the wages earned by men – this has improved to 77% of men’s wages. And even more significant improvements have been made in the younger workforce with women under 25 making 93.2% of men’s wages (2005 figures). Although we’re not completely equal yet, we’re getting there.
Although pay may be getting closer, there is one area where we are taking significant steps backwards – and it’s not where you might think. Women have moved past men in summer workplace comfort. That’s right, men are being discriminated against in the summer wardrobe department.
The societal expectation that men wear suits every day regardless of weather is outdated and must be revisited. Women have managed to rebel against traditional expectations of wardrobe and can get away with wearing sleeveless blouses, skirts and sandals. You know what that boils down to? Formal tank tops, shorts and flip flops. It’s like a business suit for the beach. And they love it. Men? We don’t get that pass.
Wearing a suit with tie in 90+ degree weather is simply cruel. It doesn’t matter how breathable your fabrics are, when you arrive at the workplace you will be drenched, and after cooling off, you’ll be a little more ripe than you were when you got out of the shower. If you are lucky enough to stay in your office building the entirety of the day, it’s not so bad and you can remove the jacket, maybe undo the top button and settle in to whatever comfort you can find. However, if you are required to leave the building and enter the outdoor furnace, the sweat starts all over again. And it is none too pleasant. This can be compounded by metro cars with no air conditioning that are slightly over crowded so the real temperature on board is somewhere in the 135 degree range and there’s no room to take off your jacket so you stand there with your arms over your head holding on to the clammy metal bar for balance, shoving your ever increasingly moist armpit into some unsuspecting transit neighbor. Not. A. Fan.
By the time you arrive at your meeting place, you are soaked from head to toe, the handouts/papers/notes that you brought with you have smeared because of your clammy hands. You are hesitant to shake the hands of those in the meeting because you haven’t been able to stop sweating as your body temperature is still hovering somewhere around 110 degrees. This is not conducive to a successful meeting.
Women, on the other hand, have their minimalist outfits that allow them to perspire and cool down as nature intended. I don’t hold that against them. I mean, I’m all for acceptable business attire for women that, shall we say, let’s their skin breathe. I just want business attire equity.
I do hereby submit for consideration a revolution against societal norms for summer business attire. On days with no formal meetings, men should be not only allowed but encouraged to wear polos and khakis. On business meeting days in the summer, ties are optional but jackets are prohibited if the temperature is above 90.
Men will never be able to wear skirts in the workplace or sleeveless shirts, and that’s fine. Women get the upper hand there. I’m not asking for full gender equality of summer wardrobes, I just want to make strides towards equality. How many more dress shirts must we ruin with sweat stains before someone will take notice?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
News you can use…or lose, whichever
Since its raining outside and I don’t want to go run right now, I share with you a sampling of world events critical for intelligent conversations at your cocktail parties this evening.
Page 6 of New York Post does it again…
Not sure which is worse – Osama bin Wankin’ or “Whora Bora” or the photoshopped porn on his tiny TV.
Pippa Middelton got drunk a few years ago…
More pictures are coming out of Pippa downing the devil’s juice and running around without all of her clothes on. A couple weeks ago, the “world” was abuzz with these photos of Pippa in her bra dancing with some dude. According to the British gentleman on MSNBC this morning, more pics are coming and the Royals are just flummoxed. But it’s not like she’s pulling a Britney or a Lindsay, she was 23 got a little drunk and danced without her top on (but with a bra). Who hasn’t done that? And how the hell was she supposed to know 4 years ago that her sister was going to marry a prince? If the Brits can get behind Benny Hill, I think they can handle some scantily clad Pippa…I know the rest of the world can (and might even be looking forward to it)…
In a new twist on “an eye for an eye”
An Iranian woman who was scheduled to pour acid in her attacker’s eyes has to wait a little longer.
Amenah Bahrami was attacked by Majid Movahedi after she refused to marry him. He was so insulted that the threw a jar of acid in her face when she returned home from work in 2004 leaving her looking like this:
Photo above courtesy of the Guardian
She asked for and won the right to seek revenge by truly achieving an eye for an eye justice. Movahedi was to be put under and Bahrami was then to use presumably an eye dropper to drop 4 drops of acid in each eye. Iranian officials have endorsed the ruling as they seek to stem the tide of increasing acid attacks in the country.
There’s a whole lot of shit that’s wrong with this picture. First, Movahedi is a chickenshit asshole and deserves to rot in prison but I’m not sure I can support burning his eyeballs with acid – even IF you make it slightly more humane by putting him under for the “procedure”. Second, how the fuck does an “acid attack” become the growing trend in assaults? How readily available is acid that burns your fucking face off? Admittedly, I've not looked into it here in the US but I can’t believe they’re doing a whole lot of different shit where they are packing thermoses of acid do their day jobs in Iran.
The premeditation for such an attack would seem to be fairly extensive. I mean, no matter how pissed you are at the person who’s face you’re going to melt off, you’re going to want to take serious precautions to make sure you don’t melt any of your hand or arm off when you toss that toxic shit into their face. Plus, you have to put it in the bottle or jar or spritzer or whatever it is that you are using as your carrying device. That’s a lot of planning.
I suppose it isn’t that much different from getting pissed at somebody, going to the pawn shop, buying a hand gun, waiting 14 days, then going over and shooting them. But there’s finality in that act. Not right by any means but you’re intent is to kill someone. Throwing a jar of acid in someone’s face – your are inflicting incredible pain, causing extreme disfigurement, in many cases I would assume blinding them, but you aren’t killing them. You are fucking them over so completely but then allowing them to live out the rest of their life with the constant reminder of your sick and twisted revenge.
That is really, really, fucked up. If I piss anyone off to the point they want to do severe harm, just shoot me, please.
You can read more about this here, and here.
And today’s “Sign of the Apocalypse”
Disney has trademarked "Seal Team 6". That’s right, the mouse owns the rights to all toys, clothes, movies, books, and any other money making product they can think of. And they filed the papers 2 days after Osama’s death.
Regardless how you feel about the American reaction to Osama’s assassination, I think we can all agree that trademarking the assassination team for use in product development is a little much. I will not argue their heroism, patriotism or their importance to helping keep America safe from future terrorist attacks. But something simply does not sit right with this.
Friday, May 13, 2011
My recent epiphany
Hiatus Ended!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Donkra...Zebkey...wait, what?
![]() |
'Not only does it spook easily but it can also carry all your shit up a mountain. |
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
How "Now That's What I Call Music" gave me an aneurysm.
I have been fortunate enough to have been asked by some close friends to make a playlist for their wedding. They are getting married in small town Iowa and there is some concern that the local DJ that they've hired may not have the sort of tunes people will want to hear when they want to shake their respective booties. Having a general fondness for pop music, they thought I would be a good candidate to put together a CD or 2 for them to share with the DJ (because they are fairly confident that if I were to give him the songs in any other format - jump drive, an iPod, etc.- that he wouldn't know what to do with it). I was very pleased and promptly got to work on it. It was fairly clear early on that I was going to need to acquire some more music to make sure this playlist was of the proper quality for this occasion.
I ventured onto Amazon and started perusing the "Now That's What I Call Music" for the past 20 years - great source of songs that you had completely forgotten about. Now, the dance songs from the late 80's and the majority of the 90's were all fairly innocuous. C&C Music Factory "Gonna Make You Sweat" is a song sure to get Aunt Betty and your 15 year old niece out on the dance floor. Great. As I moved into the late 90's and early 00's there was a swift transition towards much...shall we say...more vulgar and questionable language. Will this fly in rural Iowa?
Now, mind you, these songs are bad ass dance jams. "What's Luv" by Fat Joe and featuring Ashante before she made it big? Great beat. But you know how that song starts out? Fat Joe says "Put the fucking mike on." Yikes. Nelly's "Hot in Herre" is no saint either. Fortunately he's rapping quick enough that most of his more questionable for mixed company lines are slightly more difficult to discern - but the chorus of "so hot in here I want to take my clothes off" might be a little risque. Then we have Fifty with "In da club" which is also harder to catch the language but he's not shy with dropping "fuck" whenever he feels it. The last case study for my playlist experiment is Jay-Z's "Can I Get A" which is one of my favorite songs of that era...and is filled with the language that I'm all of a sudden very conscious of. This is very unfortunate.
How does one reconcile the need to get down with the need to respect some people's desire to not hear "fuck" "bitch" and "nigga" at frequent intervals? I mean, really, you can only have so much Miley Cyrus before people contract diabetes. And although "YMCA" is a suitable standard - nobody in the wedding remembers when that song was popular. People dance to the music that was popular when they were in school - both high school and college- because that's when people do the most dancing. The best dance songs of our youth were really disrespectful and I loved it - still do actually. I can, in good conscience only put so many pop-rock songs in the mix. "Jessie's Girl" and "Your Love" are great songs but f-me, they can't carry the whole load. I need heavy hitters like "The Humpty Dance" and "My Milkshake". I mean, it brings all the boys to the yard!
I know, I know, there are clean versions of all the songs I've referenced but then it seems like I'm giving in to the man. I have to buy a whole new version of a song that's radio friendly so I have two version of every great dance jam - one that's acceptable for little susie and one that's good for the 20 & 30 somethings? I'm not sure how I feel about this plan.
Regardless of how this playlist dilemma plays itself out - this was a wonderful exercise strolling down memory lane and refreshing my memory of all the great hip/hop and rap songs that I had shoved in the back of my brain. I've downloaded the playlist and listen to it on my commute and get jiggy on the metro when people aren't looking. Great way to start the day.
Damn you compilation CDs and your memory jogging ways! I fear my masterpiece of a playlist is going to be gutted and the soul ripped right out of it. And this is why I'm having an aneurysm.